Pastor Joel Albright
Joel was born and raised in a pastor's family and always enjoyed being a part of the ministry and worship services in his home church. Having a great burden for the local church, Joel decided to attend Maranatha Baptist Bible College and pursue a degree in Biblical Studies. After his graduation from college in 2003, he began traveling with the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team and helped with their teen outreach, children's program, and music ministry. It was during his third year on the team that he met his future wife, Megan, who began traveling as one of the team vocalists. They traveled for 2 years before she and Joel got married in May of 2007 and then traveled together as a couple for the next two years. During the summers, the team would base the ministry at Northland Camp in Dunbar, WI and worked with the various children's and teen ministries of the camp. In 2009, the Albrights moved to Dunbar, WI for several years while Joel pursued a Masters degree in Biblical Counseling at Northland International University, which he completed in 2011.
In August of 2011, they accepted the call for Joel to serve as Assistant Pastor at First Baptist Church of St. Francis. The following November, First Baptist Church ordained Joel to the Gospel ministry. Joel and Megan currently have 3 children, Brenden, Annie and Sadie. The Albrights have a love for ministry and a great burden to advance the Gospel through the local church.
Pastor Joel ministers to the staff and students at SFCS thru elementary chapel and teaching Bible class for the secondary level.